What is classical conditioning ? elements of classical conditioning, basic principles of classical conditioning, extinction, spontaneous recovery.
Classical conditioning Ivan Pavlov :- He was a Russian physiologist [ a person who studies the workings of the body ] . He was studying the digestive system in his dogs, Pavlov had built a device that would accurately measure the amount of saliva produced by the dogs when they were fed a measured amount of food. The food causes a particular reaction, the salivation. A stimulus can be defined as any object , event, or experience that causes a response, the reaction of an organism. In the case of Pavlov's dogs, the food is the stimulus and salivation is the response. Pavlov soon discovered that his dogs began salivating when they weren't supposed to be salivating. Some dogs should start salivating when they saw the lab assistant bringing their food, others when they heard the clatter of the food bowl from the kitchen, and still others when it was the time of day they were usually fed. Elements of Classical Conditioning Pavlov eventually identified several key elements that mus...